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Accelerate the Time to Value of your Inspection Algorithms

Leveraging a proprietary back-end solution which uses Large Vision models and Visual Prompting with an additional ability to generate synthetic data, and develop highly accurate Computer Vision algorithms in record time, enabling a much faster Machine Learning program.

Get Started

Simplifying Development, Testing, and Deployment of your Inspection Computer Vision Models

Reduce the Amount of Labeled Data Required

Reduce time and costs tied to your computer vision program with our Large Vision Model based visual prompting solution that accelerates your teams ability to develop machine learning algorithms faster than ever before by using our attention mechanism.

Streamlining CV Model Development Workflows

Our integrated platform consolidates fragmented activities within the computer vision model development process, streamlining workflows across various software applications for enhanced efficiency and visibility.

Cater to any Edge Case with Limited Data

Our solution addresses the difficulty of acquiring real-world data by leveraging synthetic data to create diverse training datasets that address scenarios which are scarce or often inaccessible. Synthetic data also helps reduce bias in your training data.

Facilitating Model Deployment in the Field

Seamlessly deploy newly developed models to our Capture front-end inspection application, empowering frontline workers with AI capabilities directly at the point of need. This helps connect the field directly to your data science teams who often work in very different worlds.

How it works

We help you Accelerate Your AI Program for Inspections

We use Large Language and Large Vision to power your Machine Learning development and deployment workflows, accelerating your machine learning program timeline.

Let’s simplify & accelerate your Inspection Program

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